2024/09/13 - Financial public releases

Capital reduction

The board of directors announces a capital reduction through cancellation of treasury shares

During the meeting held on September 13, 2024, the board of directors, acting on the authorization granted by the combined shareholders’ meeting on June 20, 2023, decided to reduce the share capital of Virbac by canceling 67,340 treasury shares. These shares were acquired during 2023 under the share buyback program authorized by the same shareholders’ meeting. 
As of today, the share capital of Virbac amounts to €10,488,325, represented by 8,390,660 shares of €1.25, fully paid-up. 
Following this capital reduction, the Dick family group holds 50.09% of the share capital of Virbac and 66.20% of its voting rights. 
Information on the total number of voting rights and shares, as well as the shareholder structure, will be updated on the company's website corporate.virbac.com.