2014/04/23 - Financial public releases
PEA-PME eligibility of Virbac
VIRBAC, listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN code FR0000031577), announced its compliance with PEA-PME (stocks savings account specialized in small and mid-sized business enterprises) eligibility criteria as specified in the enforcement decree of March 4 (decree No. 2014-283) for the application of article 70 of the law No. 2013-1278 of December 29, 2013. The criteria are as follows:
Shares of VIRBAC may thus be incorporated into PEA-PME accounts, dedicated to financing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) and Mid-Sized Companies (ETI), which may benefit from the same tax advantages as the traditional Equity Saving Plan (PEA).
This new savings account for European issuers must include 75% of equities from small and medium size companies, of which 50% in shares, without exceeding 75,000 euros.