2014/08/01 - Animal health

Anti-parasite treatment for cattle: Virbac awarded three prizes for its innovative Flexibag® and FarmPack® products

flexibag-farmpack.jpgIn 2014, the innovative Flexibag® and Farmpack® products from Virbac were awarded three prizes: the 'Janus de la Santé' award for an environmentally-friendly design, the Pharmapack award and a "Sommet d’Or" award. In Flexibag® and Farmpack®, Virbac offer the first truly successful ergonomic design for simplified anti-parasite treatment of cattle and sheep, one which also improves productivity in the stock-rearing sector.

In Autumn 2014 the Virbac group is launching two anti-parasite treatments for cattle and sheep which use the new Flexibag® and Farmpack® systems, designed to make the treatment of livestock easier for stock-breeders.  The results of the Datagri study carried out in December 2012 amongst 243 stock-breeders confirmed their interest in this new treatment concept. 
The ergonomic design of the Flexibag® - FarmPack® system, the additional safety provided for the user and the speed of treatment are the main advantages that were reported:
  • 88.5% of the 243 stock-breeders involved in the survey appreciated the ergonomic design of the Flexibag® - Farmpack® system;
  • 89.7% found that this innovative design improved user safety;
  • 86% considered that  Flexibag® - Farmpack® made treatment quicker.
Flexibag® is a flexible multi-layered, multi-component bag used to protect medication and to preserve it once it has been opened. Flexibag® stores large volumes (up to 8 litres) of veterinary products without allowing any air ingress (Airless) during administration. In use, the bag gradually shrinks so that its overall dimensions are automatically reduced and so that it is emptied in an optimised manner. The 3D design of the Flexibag® with its shock-absorbing arrangement of seams and impact points makes it pressure-resistant and impact-resistant. 
Three sizes of Flexibag® are available: 2.5 litres, 4.5 litres and 8 litres.
Farmpack® is the administration device designed for use with Flexibag®. Its design takes the form of a back-pack, fitted with a rigid shell protecting the Flexibag®. It spreads the weight of the medication over the user's shoulders/hips for increased freedom of movement. The hands are left free, ensuring increased safety when in contact with animals.  Farmpack® is equipped with adjustable shoulder straps allowing it to be fitted to any body shape, plus waist and chest straps for improved support. The foam reinforcements on the rear of the back-pack and shoulder straps ensure that it is comfortable to wear. The product distribution gun can be inserted in the “holsters” fitted to the waist strap. The Farmpack® opens out over 180 degrees, allowing the Flexibag® bag to be easily installed in the internal bellows. A support system made up of horizontal elastic straps and a suspension strap guarantee that all product can be emptied from the bag without it sagging.  After use the gun is stored in a removable bag. Farmpack® is specified to provide 5 years of intensive use.
Additional information:
The 'Janus' label from the French Design Institute ('Institut Français du Design') is awarded in recognition of the best in product design. The Janus de la Santé is an award for medical devices which provide benefits to patients, individuals with disabilities and to care providers.
The Eco Design award is sponsored by the French environmental and energy management agency (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie - ADEME), to reward winners of the Janus label who display the greatest commitment to eco-design through the environmental qualities of their candidate project.
The Pharmapack Europe Awards recognise businesses that produce innovative products in the field of medication packaging, medical devices, health products and veterinary medication.
Pharmapack Europe is the European platform for innovation in packaging and administration technologies for medication used in the health sector.
The Sommet d’Or is awarded to exhibitors at the “Le Sommet de l’Elevage” stock-rearing exhibition who exhibit equipment, products or services which display innovation, manufacture, safety and ergonomic qualities designed for the specific needs of agriculture.
