2024/10/09 - Animal health

Working together to build more sustainable livestock farming with ITMS

Vignette_corpo_ITMS_seminar.jpgIn September, nearly 40 employees from our subsidiaries, head office and our panel of experts met at the Nice Côte d'Azur University for a seminar dedicated to injectable trace mineral supplementation (ITMS). The aim: to reflect collectively on ways of making micronutrition a major Group-wide asset in our approach to livestock health.

ITMS, also known as micronutrition, consists of supplementing livestock with minerals and trace minerals via the injectable route when daily feeding or oral supplementation is insufficient - particularly at critical times in the animal's life, such as parturition or growth. Injectable formulas optimize the absorption of these minerals, ensuring better availability for each animal and better management of complex mineral antagonisms in the digestive tract. 

The idea of ITMS originated in South Africa in the 1970s, and led to the registration of Multimin in 1988. In 1992, Virbac became a distributor of the brand, eventually acquiring it in 2011. Since then, our ITMS solutions have continued to expand well beyond South Africa's borders, under the name Multimin (for cattle and sheep) as well as Fosfosal or Fosfosan (for cattle and swine). Today, they are deployed in most South American countries, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, Korea, France, the UK and Ireland. 

Over 30 years' expertise in ITMS 

Forerunners in ITMS, our teams have been supporting its development worldwide for over three decades now. Over the years, they have worked hand-in-hand with international experts to advance scientific knowledge on the subject and share it with livestock professionals. The proven quality and efficacy of our solutions, and the tireless work of our teams, have earned the trust of  farmers and veterinarians alike. In the field, our solutions are a resounding success, particularly in historic markets such as South Africa, Australia and New Zealand but also in more recently launched markets such as Europe and Latin America. 

ITMS stimulates the animal's reproduction, metabolism, production and growth, as well as its immune response mechanisms. It is not only a performance lever for livestock farming, but also a sustainable and reliable animal health solution, supporting the body's natural processes and helping to limit the use of exogenous molecules, in particular antibiotics. It provides farmers and veterinarians with a solution that contributes to global food safety and security, while preserving animal welfare and the health of the human-animal-environment ecosystem. This is why it is now one of the essential pillars of our approach to farm animal health, especially for ruminants. 

ITMS seminar: finding tomorrow's levers together 

On September 25 and 26, some forty employees from key countries and head office met at the Valrose University of Science in Nice. Technical, marketing, R&D, legal and communications managers gathered to pool their knowledge and continue building Virbac's global approach to ITMS. During the event, 8 external experts also came to share their latest research, to enrich the discussions. 

ITMS is positioned as a key lever for sustainable farming. Backed by decades of expertise and a forward-looking vision, we design solutions tailored to the concrete needs of farms. Year after year, we strengthen our commitment alongside farmers and veterinarians to promote prevention and reduce the use of antibiotics. Together, we are shaping responsible and sustainable practices for tomorrow's animal farming.