2017/11/17 - Products
New solutions to fight against leishmaniosis in Brazil
The treatment of dogs infected with leishmaniosis has been authorized in Brazil since 2016. Thanks to its publicity campaigns and its treatment solution introduced in January 2017, Virbac is contributing to the fight against this disease which, on a world scale, touches about 1 million of humans.
Leishmaniosis is caused by a protozoan of the genus Leishmania. It is transmitted to both humans and animals by the bite of an infected sandfly and poses a risk to everyone residing in an endemic area. Each year, leishmaniosis infects between 700,000 and 1 million people worldwide and causes between 20,000 and 30,000 deaths(1). The disease can be found in several regions of the world and is widespread in twelve Latin American countries, particularly Brazil, where it has gradually spread over the last thirty years.
The strategy used by the Brazilian government to reduce the risk of transmission has long been based on the control of the reservoir populations, especially the dogs. The situation changed in 2016 as a result of amendments to the legislation which authorized the treatment of infected animals. However, decades of prohibition has resulted in a lack of knowledge of the disease and its treatments. Therefore, the success of this more ethical management of canine leishmaniosis requires better information for the public and veterinarians.
Virbac’s Brazilian subsidiary supports the government’s efforts to control the disease. The means are various like a partnership with a local foundation devoted to the study of the disease or the development of a registry that lists the dogs treated. Local Virbac teams also developed information tools which aim at developing the knowledge of the disease. The priority initiative was addressed to the general public via awareness campaigns broadcast on the main television channels, radio and social networks. There are also many initiatives for veterinarians: face-to-face training such as Virbac Leish with 11 sessions in 2017 and more than 2,000 veterinarians attending, technical support tools for veterinarians as well as “Virbac Club Pet APP”, an application to assist the veterinarian and the dog owner in prescribing and monitoring the treatment.
Virbac offers a wide range of products for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of canine leishmaniosis. For over 20 years, the Group is committing for a better knowledge of the disease and to help fighting against it.
Karine De Mari, Virbac medical manager, companion animals: “In May 2017, Virbac attended the WorldLeish world congress in Toledo (Spain), which brought together doctors and veterinarians to make an overall assessment of human and canine leishmaniosis all over the world. Our goal: to confirm our commitment in the fight against canine leishmaniosis.”
Since January 2017, Virbac provides the first registered treatment for dogs in Brazil. This treatment is also available in certain European countries, including Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. For more information, contact your veterinarian.
All the medicines or products mentioned in this document can be not authorized or marketed in all the countries including France. The presentation of medicines is in compliance with the French law, medicines can have indications different from a country to another one. This website as well as its use are submitted to the French law.
Sources :
(1): OMS | Leishmaniose | Aide-mémoire N°375 | Avril 2017