2018/04/12 - Products

Supporting farmers to better manage swine reproduction

Virbagest-resize200x133.JPGOne of the present challenges of swine producers is finding solutions that preserve farm productivity while reducing the use of antibiotics. In Europe, Latin America and Asia, Virbac is assisting veterinarians and farmers with technical solutions and on farm training that focus on prevention and are based on a good reproduction management.

Managing animals in distinct batches is the key to optimizing swine farming operating conditions while favoring prevention rather than treatment. Grouping animals of the same age and development permits space specialization (maternity rooms, post-weaning...). It also reduces the risks of spreading disease and infection that can impact the growth of the animals.

This operational method relies on sound management of breeding herds. Technical solutions exist to synchronize the gilts’ cycles, thus optimizing mating, farrowing and weaning periods. With a know-how developed since 2007 in Europe, Virbac is also present in Latin America and Asia, where 60% of the world’s production comes from: after Thailand, Korea and Taiwan, Virbac teams offer now their expertise to swine producers in the Philippines since November 2017 and Vietnam since January this year.

Transferring knowledge into field practices

Managing the breeding herds is probably one of the most complex issues faced by swine farmers. Therefore, information, advice and the sharing of best practices should be provided with the technical solutions, in order to improve their efficiency. On November 22 and 24 of 2017, in the farming regions of Sonora and Jalisco, Virbac held its first symposium on swine reproduction in Mexico. Local farmers and veterinarians were invited to learn more about the means that can help improving swine reproduction management with an emphasis on prevention.

This type of information and training is also used in Southeast Asia. In November 2017, in the Philippines, Virbac assembled over one hundred producers, distributors, and other major stakeholders in the industry, along with experts, scholars, and practitioners. Virbac plans to continue these information sessions throughout 2018 in Asia, with a special care on adapting to local needs and constraints. The latest session is planned for Vietnam in January, with 5 informational meetings in the southern part of the country.

Lastly, on a more operational way, Virbac helps transferring knowledge into field practices through the support of a team of professionals, dedicated to giving information, advice and technical support to swine producers in their day to day management.
