2022/06/28 - Products
Working with vets to raise awareness of pets’ dental health
Oral health is essential to the overall health and quality of life of cats and dogs, and their owners have an active role to play in preventing dental disease. That is why we recently supported FECAVA's initiative: educational fact sheets to help veterinarians educate owners about the importance of their pets' oral health.
Over 80% of dogs and 70% of cats develop some form of dental disease by the age of 2 years without the pet owner noticing. This probably contributes to the fact that, all around the world, dental, oral, and maxillofacial diseases are the most common clinical problems in small animal veterinary practices.
While regular check-ups and interventions by vets are absolutely necessary, prevention is the key and most dental disease can be avoided by good oral hygiene. Daily brushing of the animal's teeth remains the norm, but compliance is poor and requires active participation by the owner.
In addition to the safe and effective solutions we develop to help veterinarians and owners care for their pets' teeth, we are committed to contributing to a better understanding of disease, its consequences and the importance of maintaining good oral health.
That's why, earlier this year, we supported FECAVA's creation of information sheets to raise awareness among pet owners of the importance of oral health in dogs and cats, focusing on three key topics (to date):
The Federation of European companion animal veterinary associations (FECAVA) represents over 25,000 pet veterinarians in 39 European countries. By joining their initiative, we hope to help a large number of practitioners to improve the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases, by involving owners more in the early detection of problems and by encouraging a full oral examination at every clinical checkup.
The posters can be viewed here.