2020/01/20 - Products

Virbac opens a new path in the treatment of canine skin tumors

STELFONTA.jpgThrough its partnership with QBiotics, Virbac is providing veterinarians in Europe with a breakthrough injectable solution to treat mastocytoma in dogs. With this new treatment, the Group once again demonstrates its commitment and ability to offer innovative solutions for the advancement of veterinary science.

Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are the most common form of skin cancer in dogs (16 to 21% of skin tumors1), and most often result in the appearance of a nodule under or on the surface of the skin. Treatments such as surgery or chemotherapy exist, but they are not always possible or appropriate to the animal's specific case. They also involve either repeated use of medication or anesthesia that is potentially worrisome to the pet owner or contraindicated for the animal.

A breakthrough solution in the treatment of canine mast cells tumors

For veterinarians, this new option complements the oral and surgical treatments already available to them. Developed by QBiotics, STELFONTA contains tigilanol tiglate, a phorbol ester extracted from the seed of a shrub found in the rainforest of North Queensland, Australia: Fontainea picrosperma. It’s an antineoplastic agent, proteinase kinase C activator, that does not require long-term drug treatment or general anesthesia. 

A strong commitment to drive veterinary medicine forward

Virbac’s objective is to share the most recent scientific data on canine MCTs and to advance veterinary medicine. With this in mind, the company is organizing the first Virbac Oncology Summit on April 24, 2020. This event will bring together nearly 250 veterinarians from around the world for a tailor-made scientific program developed with the support of international veterinary oncology experts.

We are very pleased to launch this inaugural summit, which will showcase advances in the field of oncology for veterinary professionals. Alongside Dr Victoria Gordon, CEO of QBiotics, we will proudly present a groundbreaking solution whose efficacy is seen in the treatment of certain canine mastocytomas,” says Sébastien Huron, chairman of Virbac’s executive board. 

An active innovation ecosystem

Virbac innovation is guided by research into satisfying the current or emerging needs of veterinarians, farmers and animal owners (improving the diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases, facilitating veterinary practice). In addition to innovation resulting from its worldwide R&D teams, Virbac regularly develops external partnerships with universities, public and private research laboratories, and biotechnology companies. Thanks to alliances with other companies, Virbac pursues an active business and technological development policy, a source of innovative R&D projects. Virbac’s collaboration with QBiotics is an outstanding example.

By collaborating to make this new solution available to veterinarians, QBiotics and Virbac are demonstrating their willingness to work together for the health and quality of life of our pets,” states Dr. Victoria Gordon.


1- Bostock DE. Neoplasms of the skin and subcutaneous tissues in dogs and cats. Br Vet.J 1986; 142: 1-19. Dobson JM, Samuel S, Milstein H, et al. Canine neoplasia in the UK: estimates of incidence rates from a population of insured dogs. J Small Anim Pract 2002;43:240–246.