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Reports on corporate governance 2013 (1.96 Mo)
Auditor's fees 2013 (163 Ko)
December 2013 (56 Ko)
November 2013 (64 Ko)
October 2013 (62 Ko)
September 2013 (62 Ko)
August 2013 (62 Ko)
July 2013 (62 Ko)
June 2013 (62 Ko)
May 2013 (64 Ko)
April 2013 (64 Ko)
March 2013 (64 Ko)
February 2013 (64 Ko)
January 2013 (64 Ko)
Half yearly statement liquidity contract - June 2013 (in French only) (9 Ko)
Half yearly statement liquidity contract - December 2013 (in French only) (9 Ko)
Description of shares buyback program 2013 (in French only) (77 Ko)
Voting results (in French only) (32 Ko)
Availability of the legal documents (in French only) (24 Ko)
Notice of Annual General Meeting (in French only) (151 Ko)
Total number of voting rights and shares on May 3, 2013 (in French only) (45 Ko)
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