2024/12/06 - Company

Business partner charter: a further step in our responsible commitment

Vignette_corpo_charte_business.jpgIn line with our code of conduct, the business partner charter, a revisited version of our supplier code, applies to all our business partners worldwide.

To advance animal health, relationships with our business partners are essential to our innovation model, operational efficiency and growth. In order to strengthen our culture that favors responsible and sustainable choices, our Legal Compliance & Corporate Sourcing teams broadened the scope of our previous supplier code, which became the business partner charter.

More comprehensive, our new charter applies to our value chain, such as our suppliers and their subcontractors, our commercial intermediaries, our distributors and resellers. It also extends to any group, community, organization, school or entity with which Virbac temporarily partners in a joint action, whether it is commercial, industrial or technological.

Non-negotiable international norms and standards

United nations universal declaration of human rights, United nations conventions on the rights of the child and against corruption, OECD guiding principles for multinational enterprises on responsible business conduct, applicable conventions of the International labour organization (ILO)... This charter details the essential ethical rules and practices for our business relationships, in compliance with local regulations, and the non-negotiable international norms and standards that we ask all our partners to comply with.

Any future partner will have to accept these requirements from the beginning of the selection process and for the entire duration of our collaboration (applicable to all contracts concluded with Virbac, including ongoing ones).

This approach reinforces our commitment to rigorous ethical practices, with the will to build a culture that fosters trust with our employees, customers, and partners. It is fully in line with our CSR approach and our integrity program, serving the well-being of animals and those who care for them.