2024/11/26 - Company

Virbac Carros: a local foothold strengthened by major investments

Vignette_corpo_projets_industriels.jpgIn 2024, we launched several major industrial projects at our original site in Carros. More than just a local presence, we are investing to make this site a true center of excellence and a pillar of our future growth.

2024 marks a turning point for our Carros sites, notably with the return to France of the production of our Suprelorin® product, previously ensured in Australia. This transfer reflects the confidence placed in local know-how and is accompanied by significant transformations within the buildings that will house the product's production. Launched in June 2024, the work will be completed in the first quarter of 2025. The first test batches should be produced in the third quarter of 2025, and the first commercial batch is scheduled for early 2028.

But that's not all! We are multiplying initiatives to strengthen our local foothold.

  • Construction of a new vaccine production building (Bio5): This project, for which the building permit has just been obtained, aims to make Carros our center of excellence for the manufacture of pet vaccines. It will comply with the new regulatory requirements published in Annex 1 of Good Manufacturing Practices published in 2022. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2025.

Toufik Guerziz, global strategic projects & engineering director: “The Bio5 project involves building a new state-of-the-art vaccine production unit on the Carros site. This plant will be a benchmark in the manufacture of sterile vaccines. The objective is to increase production capacity for the next thirty years!

  • Construction of a new logistics platform: 2024 was dedicated to engineering studies for the project in order to best build the building. Thus, the construction of our new modern warehouse of approximately 8,000 m² on the ground and a projection of 13,000 m2 of usable space should begin in the second quarter of 2025. This building will integrate the latest standards in force to achieve the best possible environmental performance.

A strong commitment to the region

These investments demonstrate our desire to establish ourselves sustainably in the local economic fabric. By strengthening our activities in Carros, we contribute to job creation and the dynamism of the region. With these large-scale projects, we are positioning our Carros site as a benchmark site in the field of animal health.